Hey, I'm Youssef

I spend a lot of my time thinking about how to live a great life.

I've started this blog to chronicle my thoughts and ideas about how to achieve what you want - 8 hours at a time.

About me

  1. I'm an Account Executive at Owner
  2. I attended McMaster University and studied Life Sciences
  3. I worked as a chef in restaurants across Toronto for 5 years

What is the Eight Hour Life?

The Eight Hour Life comes from a conversation I had with my manager, Kyle Norton.

I wrote about it more in depth here, but in short it stems from the idea that you achieve big things by doing small things.

Why should you read this blog?

Every week I'll share an idea, story, or tool that is helping me live a happier and healthier life.

A fair warning: Most of my writing will be building on the ideas of others. I'm not an expert or authority figure in any of the subject matter I discuss. So why should you listen to what I have to say? Because you aren't either.

Don't think of this as me driving you to your destination it's more so us carpooling together to our shared destination.

So hop in partner, we've got plenty of road ahead of us.